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Council Agendas and Minutes

Please be advised the meeting minutes are not posted until they are approved at the following Council meeting. Formal, signed copies of minutes can be viewed at the town office.

Meeting DateAgendaMinutes
January 15, 2025Agenda
December 11, 2024AgendaMinutes
November 6, 2024AgendaMinutes
October 9, 2024AgendaMinutes
September 18, 2024AgendaMinutes
August 14, 2024AgendaMinutes
July 10, 2024AgendaMinutes
June 12, 2024AgendaMinutes
May 8, 2024AgendaMinutes
April 10, 2024AgendaMinutes
March 8, 2024AgendaMinutes
February 14, 2024AgendaMinutes
January 17, 2024 (special)AgendaMinutes
January 10, 2024AgendaMinutes

View digital archives of older Agendas & Minutes below.