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Municipal Election

General municipal elections in Saskatchewan are held every four years, or at any time (through a by-election) should a vacancy on Council occur. The next municipal election will be held November 13, 2024. 

Notice of Abandonment of Poll - Office of Mayor

Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act, 2015 for the office of:

Mayor:  Town of Pense

I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said office will take place, and that the following person is elected by acclamation:

Mayor:  Michele LeBlanc

Dated at Pense, this 10th day of October 2024

Jennifer Lendvay
Returning Officer

Notice of Advance Poll & Poll

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that an advance poll and poll have been granted for the election of:

Councillor: Town of Pense
Number to be Elected: 4 (four)

and that voting for the advance poll will take place between the hours of 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Tuesday, the 5th day of November 2024.

Voting for the poll will take place between the hours of 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on Wednesday the 13th day of November 2024.

I will declare the results of the election at the Pense Town Office on the 14th day of November 2024 at the hour of 10:00 am

Polling Area No.           Polling Place                                   Address

          1                       Pense Town Office                    243 Brunswick Street

Dated at Pense this 10th day of October 2024.

Jennifer Lendvay
Returning Officer

Please note that identification will be required to vote. See below for more information on what is considered valid identification.

Candidate Information

Can I be on Council?

To be eligible to be a candidate in a municipal election, you must be:

  • 18 years of age on election day;
  • a Canadian citizen;
  • not disqualified from being a candidate (as per legislation); and
  • eligible to be nominated as provided for in The Local Government Election Act.

Interested in being on Council?

Anyone interested in running for Council should review the Government of Saskatchewan links below to familiarize themselves with the requirements and expectations of elected officials.

Now that you have decided to run for Council, submit your nomination papers with the Returning Office during the nomination period. Nomination deadlines are legislated by the province and will be outlined in the Notice of Call for Nominations issued by the Town.

Voter Information

Who can vote?

To be eligible to vote, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen;
  • be at least 18 years of age and one of the following;
  • have lived in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months immediately before election day and:
    • lived in the municipality (or on land now in the municipality) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day; or
    • be the owner of accessible land situated in the municipality (or land now situated in the municipality) for at least three consecutive months immediately before election day.

What do I need to vote?

On election day, you will be required to provide proof of identity to vote. The best option is to provide government-issued, valid photo ID that contains your name and address. Examples include: 

  • valid Saskatchewan driver’s license;
  • valid Saskatchewan ID card issued by SGI or any motor license issuer; or
  • any other valid government-issued photo ID issued by a Canadian government whether federal, provincial or municipal, or an agency of that government, so long as it includes your name and address.

If you do not have a valid photo ID, there other options available to you as detailed on the Government of Saskatchewan Voting website or you can acquire non-drivers photo ID from SGI.